
Pure Form


Prepping for the first 4 Of A Kind show of 2015 "Pure Form". I decided I would do all photo work for this one. I have yet to do an all photography contribution for a show.  I've had a self portrait of some sort in every show since I started showing work again in 2013 so I decided to promise myself to continue to do that.  

Incendiary 12"x12" Chromogenic print. 

Incendiary 12"x12" Chromogenic print. 

The self portrait is a staple in the art world. Most artists in one way or another create self portraits throughout thier carreers. The opportunity to reflect on the self, to really dig deep and see within as well as to analyze the surface of me has so much potential. Sometimes I can feel vain and others I am picking at the self conscious bits of me. 

I've been going through a lot of changes. The attempt to manifest those shifts visually has been a real challenge. 

"Through The Changes" 4"x6" Chromogenic Print   

"Through The Changes" 4"x6" Chromogenic Print